1. Ask HN: 1 美元能在一个月内为他人的生活带来多少便利? ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 What 1 can spend to make someone''s life easier within a month? (news.ycombinator.com)
2. Ask HN: 如何判断一个框架是否值得坚持? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 How do you know if a framework is worth sticking with? (news.ycombinator.com)
3. Ask HN: JavaScript 沙箱的新方法 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 A new approach for JavaScript sandboxing (news.ycombinator.com)
4. 我们需要对人工智能公司提起集体诉讼 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 We Need a Class Action Lawsuit Against AI Companies (news.ycombinator.com)
5. Tell HN: 4/1 日,未发布的 Docker 拉取将限制为 10 / HR ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 On 4/1 Unauthed Docker Pulls will be limited 10 / HR (news.ycombinator.com)
7. Ask HN: 如何设计代理优先的网络体验? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 How would you design an agent-first web experience? (news.ycombinator.com)
8. Ask HN: 懂得编码/编程 "的标准是什么? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 What are the criteria for ''knowing how to code/program''? (news.ycombinator.com)
9. 如何在虚幻引擎 5.5 中使用 LLM 生成蓝图、资产等? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 How to use LLMs with unreal engine 5.5 to generate blueprints, assets etc.? (news.ycombinator.com)
10. Ask HN: 将图形布局算法产品化的最简单方法? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Simplest way to productize my graph layout algo? (news.ycombinator.com)
11. Ask HN: 是否有人正在经历 "人工智能大脑腐烂"? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Is anyone experiencing "AI brain rot?" (news.ycombinator.com)
12. Removepaywall.com 重定向至 RussiaToday ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Removepaywall.com Redirecting to RussiaToday (news.ycombinator.com)
13. 谷歌在未经开发者同意的情况下公布他们的家庭住址 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Google is publishing the home addresses of developers without their consent (news.ycombinator.com)
14. Ask HN: 为什么有人要投资失败的初创企业? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 Why would anybody want to invest in failed startup (news.ycombinator.com)
17. Ask HN: 您如何看待 JWT 的撤销策略? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 What do you think about this JWT revocation strategy? (news.ycombinator.com)
18. PagesCms - 适用于 GitHub 的免费网络内容管理系统 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 PagesCms – free web CMS for GitHub (news.ycombinator.com)
19. Ask HN: 有没有为 Mastodon 的开源项目推荐的服务器? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 Is there a recommended server for open source projects for Mastodon? (news.ycombinator.com)
21. Ask HN: 自由职业者,人工智能代理如何改变你的工作流程? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 Freelancers, how are AI agents changing your workflow? (news.ycombinator.com)
22. Ask HN: GPT-4o 图像如何生成? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 How does GPT-4o image generation work? (news.ycombinator.com)
30. Ask HN: 还有人喜欢纯数字速记吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 Does anyone else like purely numeric shorthashes? (news.ycombinator.com)
31. Ask HN: 您职业生涯中最好和最差的工作,为什么? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Best and worst jobs of your career and why? (news.ycombinator.com)
32. 请忽略这一点 - 我正在尝试如何正确设置帖子的格式 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 Ignore this – I''m trying to figure out how to format posts correctly (news.ycombinator.com)
33. Ask HN: 您是如何对付人工智能辅助面试作弊者的? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 How are you dealing with AI-assisted interview cheaters? (news.ycombinator.com)
34. Ask HN: 面向用户的最佳分析方法 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Best way to approach user-facing analytics (news.ycombinator.com)
35. Ask HN: 您对今天的计算机科学学生有什么建议? ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 What advice would you give to a CS student today? (news.ycombinator.com)
36. 审查流动性和市场趋势:反向回购和标准普尔 500 指数分析 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 Examining Liquidity and Market Trends: A Reverse Repo and S&P 500 Analysis (news.ycombinator.com)
38. Ask HN: 在赴美旅行时保护机密信息 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Protecting confidential information while travelling to the US (news.ycombinator.com)
39. Tell HN: 我分叉并重新发布了一个流行的、被遗弃的 Python 库 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 I forked and republished a popular, abandoned Python library (news.ycombinator.com)
40. 谁能为文本到语音技术提供最优惠的价格? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 Who has the best pricing for text to speech? (news.ycombinator.com)
41. Ask HN: 如何获取可靠的实时体育数据? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 How to get reliable live sports data? (news.ycombinator.com)
42. Ask HN: 现在可以精确提取无理数位--一次性出售知识产权 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 Exact irrational digit extraction now possible – one-time IP sale (news.ycombinator.com)
44. Ask HN: 为什么没有更多的教育科技人工智能初创企业? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-28 Why aren''t there more EdTech AI startups? (news.ycombinator.com)
45. Ask HN: Anthropic 如何在内部使用克劳德? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-28 How does Anthropic use Claude internally? (news.ycombinator.com)
46. Tell HN: OpenAI 昨天对 GPT4o 图像生成增加了严格审查 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-27 OpenAI added heavy censorship on GPT4o image generation yesterday (news.ycombinator.com)
47. Ask HN: 不断用人工智能生成的代码打开拉取请求的配置文件? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-27 A profile that keeps opening pull requests with AI-generated code? (news.ycombinator.com)
48. 操作系统对 MacBook Pro 纤薄特性和无风扇被动散热的贡献 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Contribution of OS to slim nature and passive fanless cooling of MacBook Pros (news.ycombinator.com)
49. 简化了查找相关数据和目标受众痛点的工作 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Simplified finding relevant data and pain points of our target audience (news.ycombinator.com)
50. Ask HN: 马努斯是如何进行 "计划与行动循环 "的? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 How is Manus doing the Plan and Acting Loop? (news.ycombinator.com)
51. 吉卜力风格,ChatGPT 新一代形象? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Ghibli style, ChatGPT new image generation? (news.ycombinator.com)
52. Ask HN: 为市场初创企业寻找技术联合创始人(仅限股票) ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Seeking technical cofounder for marketplace startup (equity-only) (news.ycombinator.com)
53. Ask HN: 您更喜欢哪种代理框架/工具,为什么? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Which agentic framework/tool do you prefer and why? (news.ycombinator.com)
55. Ask HN: GPT-4o 图像生成有版权问题吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Does GPT-4o image generation have copyright issues? (news.ycombinator.com)
56. Tell HN: Archive.is/ph/md/etc. 将我重定向到 HTTPS:// rurtnews - com ↑ 5 HN Points 03-27 Archive.is/ph/md/etc. is redirecting me to HTTPS:// rurtnews – com (news.ycombinator.com)
57. 冷处理电子邮件的艺术解析(附真实案例) ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 The art of cold email broken down (with real examples) (news.ycombinator.com)
59. Ask HN: 您首选的开放源代码图形数据库是什么? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 What is your preferred open source graph database? (news.ycombinator.com)
60. A16Z 是否弄错了稳定币? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Did A16Z get it wrong about stablecoins? (news.ycombinator.com)
63. 服务器币--云产业的革命 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 ServerCoin- Revolutionizing the Cloud Industry (news.ycombinator.com)
64. Ask HN: 业余编程是否表明你更愿意发明而不是发现? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Does hobby programming indicate you would rather invent than discover? (news.ycombinator.com)
65. Ask HN: 如果我点击一个未知链接,会发生什么最糟糕的事情? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 What''s the worst thing that could happen if I click on an unknown link (news.ycombinator.com)
66. 应该有办法让我在社交媒体上轻松 "分享 "我的人工智能聊天机器人对话 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 There should be a way to easily "share" my AI chatbot convos on social media (news.ycombinator.com)
67. 苹果公司是否在其 Lumon Terminal Pro 视频中误导了我们? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Is Apple misleading us in their Lumon Terminal Pro video? (news.ycombinator.com)
68. 还有人害怕朋友问 "创业进展如何? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Anyone else dread the "how''s the startup going?" question from friends? (news.ycombinator.com)
70. 订阅和收入共享模式的税务/法律清单? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Tax/legal checklist for a subscription and revenue sharing model? (news.ycombinator.com)
71. 我们成为印度最具创新性的潜在客户生成机构 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 We Became India''s Most Innovative Lead Generation Agency (news.ycombinator.com)
73. Ask HN: 2025 年,个人开发人员的理想工作环境是什么? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 What''s the ideal stack for a solo dev in 2025 (news.ycombinator.com)
74. Ask HN: 加拿大人不再向 YC 申请资助了吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Have Canadians stopped applying to YC for funding? (news.ycombinator.com)
75. 前 100 名用户免费:统一应用程序接口自动选择 GPT、DeepSeek、Llama 进行所有提示 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 First 100 users free: Unified API auto-selects GPT,DeepSeek,Llama for all prompt (news.ycombinator.com)
76. Ask HN: 美国的工程技能能很好地转化到欧洲公司吗? ↑ 3 HN Points 03-27 Do US engineering skills translate well to European companies? (news.ycombinator.com)
77. Ask HN: 为什么要在这里分享您的作品? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-27 Why are you sharing your work here? (news.ycombinator.com)
79. Ask HN: 我的初始应用程序测试人员是否应该付费? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Should my initial app testers pay? (news.ycombinator.com)
80. Ask HN: 谷歌应用程序与谷歌工作空间 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-27 Google Apps vs. Google Workspace (news.ycombinator.com)
81. Ask HN: 律师和其他行业还要多久才能实现人工智能自动化? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-27 How long until lawyers, other industries are automated with AI? (news.ycombinator.com)
83. Ask HN: 华盛顿邮报》说 Signal 不安全,这种说法正确吗? ↑ 11 HN Points 03-26 Is Washington Post correct in saying Signal is unsecure? (news.ycombinator.com)
84. Ask HN: Anthropic 的 MCP 能否成功成为人工智能集成标准? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 Will Anthropic''s MCP succeed as an AI integration standard? (news.ycombinator.com)
86. 开放源代码已为应用层做好准备 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-26 Open Source Is Ready for the Application Layer (news.ycombinator.com)
89. Ask HN: YC 是否会资助所有人工智能联合创始人创办的初创企业? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 Will YC fund startups by all AI cofounders? (news.ycombinator.com)
91. 我一半的开发时间都在与 TS 类型战斗 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-26 Half my dev time fighting TS types (news.ycombinator.com)
92. Ask HN: 您使用哪种语言来处理高性能网络工作和服务? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 What language do you use for performant web jobs and services? (news.ycombinator.com)
93. Ask HN: 您有多关心团队中的 CVE? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 How much do you care about CVE in your team? (news.ycombinator.com)
94. Ask HN: 您如何举报您认为可能存在欺诈行为的家庭互联网服务提供商? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 How would you report a home ISP that you think may be committing fraud? (news.ycombinator.com)
95. Ask HN: 人工智能能帮您省钱吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 Are there any money-saving hacks that AI can assist you with? (news.ycombinator.com)
96. Ask HN: 您日常是如何使用 LLM 的? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 How are you using LLMs on daily basis? (news.ycombinator.com)
98. 我的第一家失败的初创企业以及我如何对待下一家企业 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 My First Failed Startup and How I''m Approaching the Next One (news.ycombinator.com)
99. 利用 Reddit 和人工智能内容推动销售线索--您的成功经验是什么? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 Using Reddit and AI content to drive leads – what''s working for you? (news.ycombinator.com)
100. Ask HN: 互联网的格局是否已趋于平稳? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 Has the Landscape of the Internet Plateaued? (news.ycombinator.com)
101. 我买了一台笔记本电脑。这个配置值多少美元? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 I bought a laptop. How much is this configuration worth in USD? (news.ycombinator.com)
103. Ask HN: Chrome 浏览器发送新的 x 浏览器标头? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-26 Chrome sending new x-browser headers? (news.ycombinator.com)
105. Ask HN: ASCII 数据可视化的好例子? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 Good examples of ASCII data visualization? (news.ycombinator.com)
106. Ask HN: 23andMe 掌握了我的数据,我是不是完蛋了? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 23andMe has my data, am I screwed? (news.ycombinator.com)
107. Ask HN: 有哪些好的信息网站? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 What are some good informational sites? (news.ycombinator.com)
108. Ask HN: 你见过的最美的代码是什么? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 What is the most beautiful code you''ve ever seen? (news.ycombinator.com)
109. 工程系统设计面试的非感性认识 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 Non-sense of engineering system design interviews (news.ycombinator.com)
110. 谁想加入一家人工智能创业公司(远程,全职) ↑ 2 HN Points 03-26 Who wants to join a bootstrapped AI startup (Remote, Full-Time) (news.ycombinator.com)
112. Ask HN: 如果您是一家从事 AI/ML 的机构,您在使用什么? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 If you''re an organization doing AI/ML what are you using? (news.ycombinator.com)
113. 在建立代理时,您是否经常采购数据? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 Do you procure data often when you''re building your agents? (news.ycombinator.com)
114. Ask HN: 软件团队使用 LLM 的案例 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 Use Cases of LLMs for Software Teams (news.ycombinator.com)
115. Ask HN: 如何将我对编程的热爱转化为独立的收入来源? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 How do I turn my love for programming into independent source of money? (news.ycombinator.com)
116. Ask HN: 所有特斯拉市场份额的帖子都与黑客有关吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-26 Are all the Tesla market share posts relevant for hackers? (news.ycombinator.com)
117. 迈向没有疾病的未来(寻找合作者) ↑ 3 HN Points 03-26 Towards a future free of disease (& looking for collaborators) (news.ycombinator.com)
118. Ask HN: 创建初创企业 10 年后的反思--您学到了什么? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-25 Reflections after 10 years building startups – what have you learned? (news.ycombinator.com)
119. 餐厅经营者 - 如何处理已签名的收据? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-25 Restaurant Operators – What do you do with your signed receipts? (news.ycombinator.com)
120. Ask HN: 发现新的 SaaS 业务有哪些好的替代方案? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 What are good alternatives for discovering new SaaS Business? (news.ycombinator.com)
121. 通过候补名单收集反馈意见的功能被破坏了--这是我的修复方法 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 Collecting feedback via waitlists is broken - here''s my fix (news.ycombinator.com)
122. 如果数字系统是选择人而不是为人服务,会怎样? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 What if a digital system selected people instead of serving them? (news.ycombinator.com)
123. 苹果芯片上的(Asahi)Linux 前景如何? ↑ 3 HN Points 03-25 What Is the Future of (Asahi) Linux on Apple Silicon? (news.ycombinator.com)
125. Ask HN: 无线车载播放软件狗会窃取您的数据吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 can Wireless-CarPlay dongles steal your data? (news.ycombinator.com)
126. Ask HN: 打造非人工智能工具让我感到意外的新鲜 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-25 Building a Non-AI tool feels surprisingly refreshing for me (news.ycombinator.com)
127. 什么情况下删除是 "删除 "而不是 "回收站"? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-25 When is Delete a delete not Trash (news.ycombinator.com)
128. "7000 万美元无人拥有且从未动过"? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 "7T Nobody Owns and Never Moves"? (news.ycombinator.com)
129. Ask HN: 您关注了 Mastodon 的哪些标签? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-25 What hashtags are you following on Mastodon? (news.ycombinator.com)
131. 人工智能驱动的招聘:MokaHR 如何变革人才招聘 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 AI-Driven Hiring: How MokaHR Transforms Talent Acquisition (news.ycombinator.com)
132. 构建 SubTrackr - 面向小型企业的简单订阅跟踪器 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 Building SubTrackr – A Simple Subscription Tracker for Small Businesses (news.ycombinator.com)
133. 利用人工智能扩大招聘规模:MokaHR 如何实现招聘自动化 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 Scaling Hiring with AI: How MokaHR Automates Recruitment (news.ycombinator.com)
134. Ask HN: B2B 公司是否会欢迎人工智能语音机器人对其潜在客户进行资格审查? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 Will B2B companies welcome an AI voice bot qualifying their leads? (news.ycombinator.com)
135. Ask HN: 哪些 LLM 工具可用于本地搜索和分析文件? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 What LLM tools to locally search and analyse your documents? (news.ycombinator.com)
136. 打造交互式人工智能头像的好产品? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 Good product for building interactive AI avatars? (news.ycombinator.com)
137. Ask HN: 您是如何防范供应链攻击的? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 How are you protecting against supply chain attacks? (news.ycombinator.com)
138. 寮屋/身份盗窃/穿越树木/破坏财产 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 Squatter/identity theft/treespassing /destrucrion prooerty (news.ycombinator.com)
139. Ask HN: 您打算如何在后启示录世界重建工业? ↑ 3 HN Points 03-25 How do you propose to rebuild industry in a post-apocalypse world? (news.ycombinator.com)
140. Ask HN: 为什么 MongoDB 仍然是热门选择? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 Why does MongoDB remain a popular choice? (news.ycombinator.com)
141. Ask HN: 我应该离开我共同创立的公司吗? ↑ 3 HN Points 03-25 Should I leave the company I co-founded? (news.ycombinator.com)
142. Ask HN: 有没有比 Google 地图时间线更好的替代方案? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 Is there a better alternative to Google Maps Timeline? (news.ycombinator.com)
144. Ask HN: 是否有人采用或看到有人采用 RFC8959 保密令牌? ↑ 3 HN Points 03-25 Has anyone adopted or seen adoption of RFC8959 secret-token? (news.ycombinator.com)
145. Ask HN: 人工智能编码能否消除编程工作中的年龄歧视? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-25 Will AI coding eliminate age discrimination in programming jobs? (news.ycombinator.com)
146. 需要帮助识别所提供的信用号码是真实的还是虚拟的 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 Need help to identify if a provided credit number is real or virtual (news.ycombinator.com)
147. Ask HN: 具有嵌套原子更新功能的 SQL ORM? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 SQL ORM with nested atomic updates? (news.ycombinator.com)
149. Ask HN: 有没有类似 "事实链 "的东西? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-25 Is there something like a "FactChain"? (news.ycombinator.com)
150. Deepseek v3 即将更新至 Hyperbolic ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 Deepseek v3 update coming to Hyperbolic (news.ycombinator.com)
151. 为什么没有人开发一款收据追踪应用程序来验证餐厅小费? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-25 Why hasn''t anyone built a receipt tracker app to verify restaurant tips? (news.ycombinator.com)
152. Ask HN: 您是否使用人工智能生成大部分生产代码? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Do you use AI to generate majority of your production code? (news.ycombinator.com)
153. Ask HN: 有 "录像机 "应用程序吗?我可能想发布一个 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-24 Is there a "VCR" app? I may want to release one (news.ycombinator.com)
155. Ask HN: 您的公司/初创企业是否愿意每周支付 1,000 至 11,000 美元刊登赞助广告? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Would your company/startup pay 1K to 11K a week for a sponsorship ad? (news.ycombinator.com)
156. Ask HN: 您认为 RFC 10''000 应该以什么为主题? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 What do you think that RFC 10''000 should be about? (news.ycombinator.com)
158. Ask HN: 您多长时间能制作出一次性原型? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 How often are you able to build throwaway prototypes? (news.ycombinator.com)
160. 寻找远程 PLM 咨询线索:非美国居民版 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-24 Finding Remote PLM Consulting Leads: Non-US Resident Edition (news.ycombinator.com)
162. Ask HN: 您使用哪些开源和/或本地 LLM? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-24 Which open-source and/or local LLMs do you use and for what? (news.ycombinator.com)
163. Ask HN: 您会为人工智能驱动的儿童语音治疗应用程序付费吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Would You Pay for an AI-Powered Speech Therapy App for Kids? (news.ycombinator.com)
164. Ask HN: 分析金融交易的模型 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Model to Analyse Financial Transactions (news.ycombinator.com)
165. Tell HN: 在回复 "谁在招聘 "中的招聘信息时要小心谨慎 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Taking care when responding to job postings in "who is hiring" (news.ycombinator.com)
166. Ask HN: 有多少人避免使用云存储? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 How many of you avoid cloud storage? (news.ycombinator.com)
167. Ask HN: nasa.gov 是否将保持全球可访问性? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Will nasa.gov stay globally accessible? (news.ycombinator.com)
168. Ask HN: 程序员是否普遍喜欢一定程度的复杂性? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Do programmers generally enjoy some amount of complexity? (news.ycombinator.com)
169. Ask HN: 地缘政治上,台湾现在能因为人工智能芯片而发号施令吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Geopolitically can Taiwan call the shots now because of AI chips? (news.ycombinator.com)
171. Ask HN: 自定义 GPT 的最佳用例是什么? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 What are the best use cases for custom GPTs (news.ycombinator.com)
172. Ask HN: 能准确回答文档中问题的人工智能工具/产品? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 AI tools/products that can accurately answer questions from documents? (news.ycombinator.com)
173. 为什么 Hacker News 还保留着这种难以使用的用户界面,而且可读性如此之差? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Why is Hacker News still keep this hard-to-use UI and has such poor readability? (news.ycombinator.com)
174. Ask HN: 建立着陆页的最快方法是什么? ↑ 3 HN Points 03-24 What''s the quickest way to build a landing page? (news.ycombinator.com)
176. U4Wins:人工智能生成的路线图,引导您走向成功--每次点击一次 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 U4Wins: AI-Generated Roadmaps That Guide You to Success–One Click at a Time (news.ycombinator.com)
177. Ask HN: 同构 "JavaScript 框架安全吗?如何保证安全? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 are "isomorphic" JavaScript frameworks secure? How? (news.ycombinator.com)
178. Ask HN: 贵公司是否利用法律硕士运送过有用/成功的物品? ↑ 3 HN Points 03-24 Has your company shipped anything useful/successful using LLMs? (news.ycombinator.com)
179. Ask HN: 是人才短缺、期望过高,还是其他原因? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Talent shortage high expectations, or something else? (news.ycombinator.com)
180. Ask HN: 我的软件转移了数万亿美元。美国医学会 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 My software has moved trillions of dollars. AMA (news.ycombinator.com)
181. 嘿,我在游标上发布了这条消息。 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Hey I am posting this from cursor ask me anything (news.ycombinator.com)
182. Ask HN: Go 实时定位系统的最佳地理空间索引方法? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Best geospatial indexing approach for real-time location systems in Go? (news.ycombinator.com)
183. 探索针对孤独的对话式人工智能解决方案 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Exploring a Conversational AI Solution for Loneliness (news.ycombinator.com)
185. Ask HN: macOS 怎么会有如此出色的壁纸? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 How does macOS have such great wallpapers? (news.ycombinator.com)
188. Ask HN: 关于提高消费者/P2P 应用程序参与度的建议? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Advice on increasing engagement for consumer/P2P app? (news.ycombinator.com)
189. Ask HN: 我觉得我不能再相信自己的直觉了 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-24 I feel I can no longer trust my gut (news.ycombinator.com)
190. Ask HN: 你会雇用一个 "活力编码员 "吗? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-24 Would you hire a "vibe coder"? (news.ycombinator.com)
191. Ask HN: 文档最糟糕的开源项目? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Best open source project that has terrible documentation? (news.ycombinator.com)
192. 在所有条件不变的情况下,会话存储应优于 JWT 验证 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Session storage should be preferable to JWT auth all things remaining same (news.ycombinator.com)
193. Ask HN: 技术型创始人的 Vibe Coding? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-24 Vibe Coding for Technical-Ish Founders? (news.ycombinator.com)
194. 如果您是独立创始人,每周工作 15x7,还是 8x5? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-24 When you are an independent founder, work 15x7 or work 8x5 per week? (news.ycombinator.com)
195. Ask HN: 您的盈利性副项目故事是什么? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-23 What is your profitable side project story? (news.ycombinator.com)
196. 警告:23andMe 刚刚添加了一种删除数据的黑暗模式 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-23 Warning: 23andMe just added a dark pattern to delete your data (news.ycombinator.com)
197. Ask HN: 重返校园的困难 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-23 Difficulties with Going Back to School (news.ycombinator.com)
198. 关于 x86/X64 以外非 DOS/Unix 开放源码操作系统的建议 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-23 Recommendation for non-DOS/Unix open source OS outside x86/X64 (news.ycombinator.com)
200. 中本聪一定是国家安全局或邻近部门的人 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-23 Satoshi has to be someone in NSA or adjacent (news.ycombinator.com)
201. Vibe Coder - 人工智能工程师 YC 招聘启事:讽刺还是不讽刺? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-23 Vibe Coder – AI Engineer YC Job posting: Satire or not Satire? (news.ycombinator.com)
202. Ask HN: 如果有一年假期,你会做什么? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-23 What would you do with a year off? (news.ycombinator.com)
203. 跨性别恐惧症是超人类主义的对立面 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-23 Transphobia Is the Antithesis of Transhumanism (news.ycombinator.com)
204. 对你来说,学习和实践中最难的部分是什么? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-23 What is the hardest part of learning and practice, for you? (news.ycombinator.com)
205. 如今几乎不可能找到自由职业项目 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-23 It is practically impossible to find a freelance project these days (news.ycombinator.com)
206. 哪些开源项目被广泛使用,但仅由少数人维护 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-23 Which open-source projects are widely used but maintained by just a few people (news.ycombinator.com)
207. 个性化人工智能代理:根据您的需求量身定制的智能 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-23 Personalized AI Agents: Intelligence Tailored to Your Needs (news.ycombinator.com)
208. 在大型科技公司工作的人:您是如何使用 Cursor 的? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-23 Folks who work for large tech companies: How are you using Cursor? (news.ycombinator.com)
209. Ask HN: 如果可以重新开始,选择硬件还是软件? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-23 If you could start over, hardware or software? (news.ycombinator.com)
210. Ask HN: 为什么 Reddit 停止在 Safari 上运行? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-23 Why did Reddit stop working on Safari? (news.ycombinator.com)
211. 可持续的未来 自给自足的城镇? ↑ 3 HN Points 03-23 Sustainable Future Self-sufficient towns? (news.ycombinator.com)
212. 为什么我们还要反复证明呢? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-23 Why do we still have to prove things over and over again? (news.ycombinator.com)
213. Urldn - 带有跟踪和 QR 代码的免费 URL 短缩器 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-23 Urldn – A Free URL Shortener with Tracking and QR Codes (news.ycombinator.com)
214. Ask HN: CS 本科毕业后的下一步 - 数学、ML 还是物理? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-23 Next steps after CS bachelor – more math, ML, or physics? (news.ycombinator.com)
215. Ask HN: 用户报告和反馈回路,以符合法规要求 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-23 User reporting and feedback loops for regulatory compliance (news.ycombinator.com)
216. Ask HN: 你能为人类进步的顶峰提出论据吗? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-23 Would you make an argument for the peak of human progress? (news.ycombinator.com)
217. 我是如何在 X(当无人问津时)的公共场合保持建筑动力的? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-22 How I stay motivated building in public on X (When Nobody Cares) (news.ycombinator.com)
220. Ask HN: 我创建了一个一体化代理编辑器--可能需要您的指导/合作 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-22 I built an all-in-one agentic editor–I might need your guidance / collab (news.ycombinator.com)
221. 特朗普的混乱是否就像《巴比伦 5 号》中的沃隆/阴影战争? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-22 Is the Chaos of Trump, Like the Vorlon/Shadow War in Babylon 5 (news.ycombinator.com)
222. Ask HN: WhatsApp 锁定聊天密码 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-22 WhatsApp lock chats secret code (news.ycombinator.com)
223. Ask HN: 初级程序员应该如何使用和/或不使用人工智能进行编程? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-22 How should junior programmers use and/or not use AI for programming? (news.ycombinator.com)
224. 那个在 HN 上乱发垃圾邮件的家伙 bschmidt711 是谁啊? ↑ 6 HN Points 03-22 Who''s this dick bschmidt711 that''s spamming HN? (news.ycombinator.com)
225. Ask HN: 在一家公司全职工作的同时为一个副业项目创建 LinkedIn 简介 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-22 LinkedIn Profile for a Side Project While Working Full-Time at a Company (news.ycombinator.com)
227. Ask HN: 您使用什么技巧来保护自己免受网络攻击? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-22 What tricks do you use to protect yourself against cyber attack? (news.ycombinator.com)
228. Ask HN: 推荐学习移动应用程序营销的资源? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-22 Recommend resources to learn mobile app marketing? (news.ycombinator.com)
231. Tell HN: 更新您的 Google 地图时间轴 ↑ 13 HN Points 03-22 An update on your Google Maps Timeline (news.ycombinator.com)
232. Ask HN: HN 评论中的机器人或苦力 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-22 Bots or grunt labour in HN comments (news.ycombinator.com)
233. Ask HN: 您使用过的最简单的数据协调工具是什么? ↑ 7 HN Points 03-22 What is the simplest data orchestration tool you''ve worked with? (news.ycombinator.com)
234. Ask HN: 国外是否对建立美国信用分数感兴趣? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-22 Is there interest in building USA Credit Score from outside the country? (news.ycombinator.com)
235. Ask HN: 哪些播客节目改变了您对初创企业的看法? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-22 What podcast episodes changed the way you think about startups? (news.ycombinator.com)
236. Ask HN: 如果互联网本应是公共的,那我们为什么还要与人工智能扫瞄器作斗争? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-22 Why Are We Fighting AI Scrapers If the Internet Is Meant to Be Public? (news.ycombinator.com)
237. 我创建了一个由 Notion 支持的 WordPress 替代程序 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-22 I Built a WordPress Alternative Powered by Notion (news.ycombinator.com)
238. 作为一名个体经营者,我获得了第一位客户(我没有受众,营销费用为零)。 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-22 I get my first customer as a solopreneur (I have 0 audience, 0 for marketing) (news.ycombinator.com)
239. Ask HN: LLMs.txt 现在是真的吗? ↑ 3 HN Points 03-22 Is LLMs.txt a REAL thing now? (news.ycombinator.com)
241. Ask HN: 今天有人在使用 YouTube 时遇到困难吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Anyone having trouble using YouTube today? (news.ycombinator.com)
242. Ask HN: 只有人类的 Reddit 方案可行吗? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-21 Is a human only Reddit alternative possible? (news.ycombinator.com)
243. 人工智能为我的项目发布了一个假的 CVE ↑ 2 HN Points 03-21 AI published a bogus CVE for my project (news.ycombinator.com)
244. Ask HN: 为什么学校不允许学生把成绩 "花 "在独立游戏上? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Why don''t schools allow students to "spend" their grades on indie games? (news.ycombinator.com)
245. Ask HN: 如何在没有 Skype 的情况下用电脑拨打国际电话? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 How to make international phone call from PC without skype? (news.ycombinator.com)
246. Ask HN: 2025 年新应用程序的前端栈 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Front end stack for a new app in 2025 (news.ycombinator.com)
247. Ask HN: 有没有只在免费开源数据集上训练的人工智能? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Are there AIs that are trained only on free and open source datasets? (news.ycombinator.com)
249. Ask HN: 您使用的是什么文件比较工具? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-21 What file comparison tool are you using? (news.ycombinator.com)
250. Ask HN: Python 是否应该支持本地契约设计(类不变式)? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Should Python support native Design by Contract (class invariants)? (news.ycombinator.com)
251. 革命性的数据分析不再需要繁琐的 SQL 查询 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Revolutionary data analysis: No more cumbersome SQL queries (news.ycombinator.com)
253. Ask HN: 我没有耐心做一名 IC。什么角色最适合我? ↑ 3 HN Points 03-21 I don''t have the patience to be an IC. What role would best suit me? (news.ycombinator.com)
254. Ask HN: 英伟达假装他们的机器人不是遥控的--为什么? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-21 Nvidia pretended their robot was not remote controlled – why? (news.ycombinator.com)
255. 内政部对我就取消苹果 ADP 所提问题的答复 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-21 The Home Office''s Response to my questions about the removal of Apple''s ADP (news.ycombinator.com)
256. Ask HN: 2025 年,14 岁的我应该学习 COBOL 吗? ↑ 4 HN Points 03-21 Should I learn COBOL at 14yo in 2025? (news.ycombinator.com)
257. Tell HN: 让用户能够在服务器端进行自我阻塞,这一点很好 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Enabling users to do server-side self-blocking is neat (news.ycombinator.com)
259. Ask HN: 如何从 wintun 发送和接收数据包 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 How to send and receive packets from wintun (news.ycombinator.com)
260. Ask HN: 文件版本控制软件 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Software for Version Control of Documents (news.ycombinator.com)
263. Ask HN: 企业开放源码软件项目欢迎非雇员的重大贡献吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Do corporate OSS projects welcome major non-employee contributions? (news.ycombinator.com)
264. Ask HN: 追踪情绪和声音线索的人工智能面试教练能帮你吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Could an AI interview coach tracking emotions and voice cues help you? (news.ycombinator.com)
265. 这里有喜欢代码/数据科学的医生/医学生吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Any medical doctor/medical student here who is into code/data science? (news.ycombinator.com)
266. Ask HN: 你会开源你成功的 SaaS 吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Would you open-source your successful SaaS? (news.ycombinator.com)
267. 使用 Camel-AI 构建 MCP 服务器 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Building MCP Servers with Camel-AI (news.ycombinator.com)
268. Ask HN: 开发者们,你们是如何找到一位设计师让你们的产品看起来很棒的? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Developers, how did you find a designer to make your product look great? (news.ycombinator.com)
269. Ask HN: 您最喜欢哪个 "深度研究 "法学硕士? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-21 Which "Deep Research" LLM is your favorite? (news.ycombinator.com)
270. Ask HN: 在 Firefox 浏览器上,HN 的滚动速度慢吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Is HN scrolling slow/jagged on Firefox for you? (news.ycombinator.com)
271. Ask HN: 在所有 HN 数据上训练模型? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-21 Training a model on all HN data? (news.ycombinator.com)
272. Ask HN: 通过远程视图在 Mac 上进行开发是否可行? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-21 Is developing on Mac via Remote View doable long term? (news.ycombinator.com)
273. Ask HN: 有哪些促进虚拟会议的新工具? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-21 What new tools are there for facilitating virtual conferences? (news.ycombinator.com)
274. Ask HN: 如何教授代理人工智能?请分享您的经验 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-21 How to teach agentic AI? Please share your experience (news.ycombinator.com)
276. Ask HN: 先进的人工智能最终会导致通货紧缩吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-21 Is advanced AI ultimately deflationary? (news.ycombinator.com)
278. Ask HN: 被苹果维修烫伤,有什么解决方案吗? ↑ 3 HN Points 03-21 Burned by Apple Repair, are there any solutions? (news.ycombinator.com)
279. Divepod - 利用咨询模式学习计算机科学的暑期计划 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 Divepod – summer program to learn computer science using an advisory model (news.ycombinator.com)
280. ArsTechnica 和 TechCrunch 是否迷失了方向? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 Has ArsTechnica and TechCrunch lost its way (news.ycombinator.com)
281. HEVCut - 用于压缩视频和节省 iCloud 存储空间的人工智能编码 iOS 应用程序 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 HEVCut – AI-Coded iOS App for Video Compression and iCloud Storage Savings (news.ycombinator.com)
282. Ask HN: 如何向 OpenAI 提供反馈? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 How to Provide Feedback to OpenAI? (news.ycombinator.com)
283. Ask HN: 如果人工智能模型使用了受版权保护的数据,是否应该开放源代码? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 If AI models use copyrighted data, should they be open source? (news.ycombinator.com)
284. Stripe 从我这里偷走了 5 万多美元 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 Stripe is stealing over 50k from me (news.ycombinator.com)
286. Ask HN: 您害怕去美国参加科技会议吗? ↑ 24 HN Points 03-20 Are you afraid to travel to US to tech conferences? (news.ycombinator.com)
287. 您认为提示是法律硕士包装初创公司的秘诀吗? ↑ 2 HN Points 03-20 Do You Think Prompts Are the Secret Sauce of LLM Wrapper Startups? (news.ycombinator.com)
288. Ask HN: 急诊科认证 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-20 Authentication for Emergency Department (news.ycombinator.com)
289. Ask HN: 为什么有些语言使用 1 个字节表示布尔类型 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 Why some languages use 1 byte for boolean type (news.ycombinator.com)
290. 关于混凝土车道、庭院和地板翻新的建议 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 Advice on Concrete Driveway, Patio, and Flooring for Renovation (news.ycombinator.com)
291. Ask HN: 可绕过短链接和反广告屏蔽的用户脚本 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 Userscripts that can bypass short links and anti-adblocks (news.ycombinator.com)
292. 数据库会开始消失吗? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 Are Databases going to start dissappearing? (news.ycombinator.com)
293. 寻找独特的 SaaS 创意--你的最佳创意是什么? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 Looking for Unique SaaS Ideas – What''s Your Best One? (news.ycombinator.com)
294. 谷歌云、AWS、Azure、Linoade Oracle 等 - 待售验证账户 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 Google Cloud, AWS, Azure,Linoade Oracle and More – Verified Accounts for Sale (news.ycombinator.com)
295. HEVCut - 通过压缩视频释放 iCloud 存储空间的人工智能 iOS 应用程序 ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 HEVCut – An AI-Built iOS App to Free Up iCloud Storage by Compressing Videos (news.ycombinator.com)
296. 我已删除的推特账户瞬间被加密货币骗子占领 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-20 My deleted Twitter account was instantly taken over by crypto scammers (news.ycombinator.com)
297. 只需修复我网站上的重要部分(演示部分) ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 Just fix important part on my site (Demo section) (news.ycombinator.com)
299. Ask HN: 电子元件的实际成本是多少? ↑ 1 HN Points 03-20 What is the real cost of electronic components? (news.ycombinator.com)
300. Ask HN: Facebook 账户因 "账户完整性 "被暂停 ↑ 2 HN Points 03-20 Facebook account suspended for "Account Integrity" (news.ycombinator.com)